Long COVID symptoms: A functional medicine approach
Long Covid has become a difficult reality for ~1.9 million people in the UK (1 in every 34 people). This article will discuss some of the latest research into the condition, as well as a functional medicine approach to management.
Is lockdown getting you down? 10 fundamentals for optimising health
The prospect of a dark and dreary January with yet another lockdown may seem almost too much to bear. But there is plenty you can do from home to support your physical and mental health.
Covid-19 and nutrition: How can we support our immune system?
There are no magic pills or superfoods that can prevent us catching infections such as coronavirus. But there is plenty we can do to support our immune system to do its job efficiently.
Meditation for stress management
As humans, we encounter different forms of stress on a daily basis. How we choose to handle them can determine our long-term physical and emotional wellbeing.
Low carb diets: Are we missing the point?
Low carb doesn’t necessarily mean less quantity. Learn the difference between good and bad carbs and reap the nutritional rewards.
Why we all need Integrative Medicine
In 2002, the World Health Organisation (WHO) predicted that by 2020, two thirds of all disease worldwide would be the result of chronic diseases, most of them strongly associated with diet.
Self care: The best preventive medicine
Self-care. A simple concept. But what is it really, and how many of us actually achieve it? Practised properly and regularly, it has powerful potential.
How even a small amount of regular exercise can help you live longer
Getting in sufficient exercise isn’t as difficult as you may think. The benefits are well worth the effort too – exercise actually gives us energy.
Lifestyle and risk: Is your cup half full or half empty?
Medicine has advanced in so many ways and will continue to do so, yet the most powerful and fundamental principle remains: prevention is always better than cure.
The personal narrative trap
In a wonderful book called ‘The Misleading Mind’, psychotherapist Karuna Cayton uses the principles of Buddhist psychology to explain that the true source of our dilemmas lie in our own minds. Because we tend to use labels and to see people in certain ways, we...